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Copenhagen Specs and Copenhagen Specs in Berlin

Behind my glasses copenhagen specs 2017 2018 copenhagen specs berlin Morten Gammelmark Ceo giulia de martin stefano sega-5

Copenhagen Specs and Copenhagen Specs in Berlin: talking with Morten Gammelmark Founder & CEO   Last year it was our very first time in Denmark. Let me tell you it is more than a fascinating country! It's vibrant, young and full of energy with a subtle hint of magic. So, this year, Stefano, Marianna- our official photographer- and I are flying back to Copenhagen in March to take part of one of the greatest event for independent eyewear brands. Copenhagen Specs is such a great opportunity...

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COPENHAGEN SPECS: ENJOYING DENMARK AND INDEPENDENT EYEWEAR BRANDS Family, luxury, high technology and stunning design, these are the words that describe Copenhagen Specs event the best. Stefano and I got in touch, a couple of months ago, with Morten, the smiling and professional organiser of the event. We were actually pretty curious about it so we decided to have a look. Let me tell you, Copenhagen Specs was beyond great: the atmosphere is the same of a family home, no stress and no...

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  VICTORIA'S SECRET 2015 FASHION SHOW: FASHION AND FUN   Last night I tried to find online the live stream of the Victoria's Secret fashion show and I was more than sad when I couldn't it find anywhere. Anyway, I'm among those girls who open a magazine and feel depressed looking at the models on the paper. Why? On one hand, because of their perfect bodies; on the other, because I'm so jelly of the skills of the  photoshop guy/lady who was so good...

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