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Mokki sunglasses eyewear giulia de martin behind my glasses eyewear influencer blogger blog copenhagen specs 2019 (14 di 16)


Mokki eyewear: from Norway with love at Copenhagen Specs It may seem out of place to post something so winter-ish in May, but, believe me guys, nothing has ever been so approriate. I'm looking outside my window while I'm writing this and there's fresh snow on the mountains sorrounding my town. No, they are not high mountains, they are more like high and rocky hills. The weather in Italy is so crazy lately and shooting new frames is mental! Anyway, talking about shooting frames...

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giulia de martin behind my glasses eyewear influencer blogger content creator blog sunglasses eyeglasses face è face paris sunglasses fall winter 2018 frame woman -17


FACE à FACE: WINTER SUNGLASSES DREAM "Sophisticated" and "bold" describe at the very best this new Face à Face pair of sunglasses. The style is big and squared, the lenses are mirrored and rose gold and the colors spread 70s vibes. These are definitely my thing! Sharp and smooth, this frame is perfect if you want accentuate your cheek line and lift up a little bit the oval of your face. Plus, the metal bridge make these sunglasses perfectly adjustable and incredibly comfortable....

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blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3

BLACKFIN Sunset Reef sunglasses: spring is back!

BLACKFIN Sunset Reef sunglasses: summer 2018 eyewear essentials You have no idea how happy I was last week when we shot these pics for the Italian eyewear brand Blackfin. The sun was shining, the temperature was warm and the air smelled like flowers (probably I'm exaggerating, I know, but it was really nice, believe me!). When I opened the window and I looked outside I couldn't resist to pick up the phone and call Marianna: it was the best day to shoot...

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