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BLACKFIN Sunset Reef sunglasses: spring is back!

blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3

BLACKFIN Sunset Reef sunglasses: summer 2018 eyewear essentials

You have no idea how happy I was last week when we shot these pics for the Italian eyewear brand Blackfin. The sun was shining, the temperature was warm and the air smelled like flowers (probably I’m exaggerating, I know, but it was really nice, believe me!).

When I opened the window and I looked outside I couldn’t resist to pick up the phone and call Marianna: it was the best day to shoot these new Blackfin Sunset Reef sunglasses.

For those who don’t know Blackfin, it is an Italian eyewear company producing high-quality frames in full titanium. It was born in Agordo – Northern Italy- 40 years ago. How long does it take to make a Blackfin frame? 53 steps…. just saying….

Last, but not least, Blackfin won a couple of Silmo d’Or…. just saying (again)…

Well, among the marvelous shapes that this season collects, I chose Sunset Reef, with a highly original double-frame effect. The dual colour scheme is emphasized by  the cloud white/metallic light brown frame with pale gold mirrored lenses and a polished silver/opaque black frame with super silver mirrored lenses.

I’m wearing the polished silver/opaque black frame BF829 – color 887.

Why do I love these sunnies? They are extremely comfortable to wear: they are light weight and designed in order to disappear when you put them on your nose. They basically blend with your skin and you don’t feel them anymore. If you like round sunglasses with a good size but, you can stand heavy frames for too long, these are the glasses for you!


BLACKFIN Sunset Reef: essenziali quest’estate 2018

Non avete idea di quanto fossi felice sabato scorso quando abbiamo scattato queste foto per il marchio Blackfin. Il sole splendeva, l’aria era calda e c’era profumo di fiori ovunque! (Ok, forse esagero ma, credetemi, si stava benissimo!).

Quando ho aperto la finestra, appena alzata, e ho guardato fuori non ho resistito, ho preso il telefono e ho chiamato Marianna: era la giornata perfetta per scattare queste foto.

Per quelli che non conoscono Blackfin si tratta di un marchio nato ad Agordo, in Italia, 40 anni fa, il quale produce montature solo in puro titanio. Quanto ci mettono a fare un paio di occhiali Blackfin? 53 passaggi… così, per dire….

Senza contare che, lo stesso marchio ha vinto anche qualche Silmo D’Or negli ultimi anni… così, per dire (parte 2)….

Bene, fra le bellissime montatura di questa collezione ho scelto Sunset Reef, un paio di occhiali da sole super originali composti da una doppia montatura: l’una opaca, l’altra lucida, le quali creano un bellissimo effetto di doppio occhiale sovrapposto. Il tutto evidenziato dalla gamma cromatica bicolor bianco nuvola/marrone chiaro metallizzato con lenti specchiate oro pallido e argento lucido/nero opaco con lenti specchiate super silver.

Io sto indossando il modello nero opaco e argento BF829 – colore 887.

Perché mi piacciono questi occhiali? Sono davvero comodi da indossare: pesano pochissimo e praticamente spariscono quando li metti sul naso. Praticamente vengono incorporati dalla pelle e non li senti più! Se vi piacciono le montature tonde e consistenti ma, non sopportate quelle troppo pesanti, questi sono gli occhiali perfetti per voi!



Vedi tutta la collezione qui! 🙂

See all the collection here 🙂



blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3


blackfin sunglasses 2018 Sunset Reef BF829 giulia de martin behind my glasses blog blogger eyewear frame sunnines shades titanium made in italy-3



A special thanks goes to Gabriele of 5 tasche for the amazing outfit!

…as usual PH Marianna Zanetti <3