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Mokki sunglasses eyewear giulia de martin behind my glasses eyewear influencer blogger blog copenhagen specs 2019 (14 di 16)

Mokki eyewear: from Norway with love at Copenhagen Specs It may seem out of place to post something so winter-ish in May, but, believe me guys, nothing has ever been so approriate. I'm looking outside my window while I'm writing this and there's fresh snow on the mountains sorrounding my town. No, they are not high mountains, they are more like high and rocky hills. The weather in Italy is so crazy lately and shooting new frames is mental! Anyway, talking about shooting frames...

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Copenhagen Specs 2019

Copenhagen Specs 2019: an overview Our third year at Copenhagen Specs was great. Stefano and I are big fan of this fair: first of all because of Morten Gammelmark, CEO and creator of the event, who's such a smart and kind man! Second because of its coziness: Copenhagen Specs is a smaller fair - smaller compared to MIDO, Silmo and Opti- dedicated to independent brands only! Everybody know each other, like a village full of nice people, and that's one of the...

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copenhagen specs 2018 giulia de martin behind my glasses nuria miguel la espejuelos jennifer faceprint eyewear blog blogger-62

COPENHAGEN SPECS 2018: the diary

COPENHAGEN SPECS 2018:  the independent optical fair in Scandinavia Our second time at Copenhagen Specs was AWSOME! Meeting old friend and new friend while trying on some of the best shades of this coming season is always the best part of these kind of events. Stefano and I love traveling and, this time, Marianna, our photographer (who graduated less than a month ago! Well done babe!) was with us so were finally able to include enjoy the best time of our lives...

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Behind my glasses copenhagen specs 2017 2018 copenhagen specs berlin Morten Gammelmark Ceo giulia de martin stefano sega-5

Copenhagen Specs and Copenhagen Specs in Berlin

Copenhagen Specs and Copenhagen Specs in Berlin: talking with Morten Gammelmark Founder & CEO   Last year it was our very first time in Denmark. Let me tell you it is more than a fascinating country! It's vibrant, young and full of energy with a subtle hint of magic. So, this year, Stefano, Marianna- our official photographer- and I are flying back to Copenhagen in March to take part of one of the greatest event for independent eyewear brands. Copenhagen Specs is such a great opportunity...

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